What Concerns Us
In the 21st century, technology has become a cornerstone in the healthcare industry, enabling significant improvements in service delivery, clinical data collection, and streamlining medical processes. However, this technological advancement is not without challenges, and one of the most critical challenges facing the healthcare sector in Costa Rica and worldwide is cybersecurity. Protecting confidential medical data and ensuring a secure technological environment are imperative for the proper practice of medicine and patient trust.
Therefore, we present the project of perception study in healthcare professionals in Costa Rica regarding information security challenges.
The results of this study will serve as a basis for the development of training strategies and continuous education programs tailored to the real needs of healthcare professionals in Costa Rica. The feedback generated from this project will enable leaders in training and continuous education processes to develop effective initiatives that strengthen cybersecurity in the healthcare sector and ultimately contribute to a safer and more reliable professional practice.
The perception study in healthcare professionals, regarding cybersecurity challenges, will provide feedback to leaders in training and continuous education processes for the proper practice of the profession from a technological standpoint, such as professional associations, Ministry of Health, Cendeiss, among others.